Breve vs Latte – 3 Largest Differences

Do you know the difference between a breve vs latte? If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many people are unsure of the difference between these two coffee drinks. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between breves and lattes, as well as the different milk types that can be used in each drink. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to make the perfect breve or latte at home!

What is a Latte?

A latte is a coffee drink that is made with shot of espresso and steamed milk. The milk is usually foamy, and the drink is often topped with a small amount of foam or milk. Lattes can be made with different types of milk, including whole milk, skimmed milk, almond milk, and soy milk.

The latte is a coffee drink that is thought to have originated in Italy. The word “latte” means “milk” in Italian, and the latte is made with espresso and steamed milk.

The latte was invented in Italy in the early 20th century but didn’t become popular in the United States until the 1980s.

What is a Breve?

A breve is also a coffee drink that is made with espresso and steamed milk. However, the difference between a breve and a latte lies in the type of milk that is used. A breve is made with half-and-half, which gives the drink a richer flavor and texture than a latte. Breves can also be made with different types of milk, but the half-and-half is what sets it apart from a latte.

A breve is similar to a latte, but it is made with half-and-half instead of milk. Half-and-half is a mixture of milk and cream, and it gives the breve a richer flavor than a latte. 

Word breve comes from the Italian word breve, which means “short.” This is likely because a breve is made with less milk than a latte.

The breve was invented in America in the 1940s but didn’t become popular until the 1990s. 

So, what’s the difference between a breve and latte?

The main difference is in the type of milk that is used. Breves is made with half-and-half, while lattes can be made with any type of milk. Both drinks are delicious, so it’s up to you to decide which one you prefer!

Difference in taste

In case of taste, a latte is milkier whereas a breve is creamy. This difference in taste is due to the milk used in each drink. A latte is made with milk frothed with steam wand while a breve is made using half and half which is a mix of milk and cream. As a result, lattes are less creamy and have more of a milky flavor while breves are richer and have a creamier texture.

Difference in appearance

It is easy to recognize the difference in appearance between breve and latte. A latte has more foam on top while a breve has less foam with some milk streaks. This is again due to the difference in milk used. Milk creates more foam than half and half, so lattes will have more foam than breves.

Difference in calories

One 12 oz breve has about 400 calories while one latte with 3.5% fat milk, has about 150cals. The main difference in calorie content is due to the half and half used in a breve. Half-and-half is higher in fat than milk, so breves will have more calories than lattes.

Is a Caffe breve good for my health?

Caffe breve might be good for your health since it contains more fat than a latte. This extra fat can help you feel fuller longer and provide energy throughout the day. However, breves are also higher in calories, so if you’re watching your weight, you might want to stick to lattes.

Both breves and lattes contain cholesterol, and breves have more cholesterol than lattes. This is because breves are made with half and half, which is higher in fat than milk.

Either way, both drinks are a delicious way to get your daily dose of caffeine!

Breve vs Latte photo

How to Make a Breve at Home

Here are a few tips on how to make the perfect breve at home:

  • Use freshly ground coffee beans for the best flavor.
  • If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a stovetop espresso maker or even a French press.
  • Heat the half and half on the stove until it’s steaming. Then, pour it over the espresso.
  • Top with foam.

How to order Breve at Starbucks?

Breve at Starbucks means half-and-half with no espresso in it. You can order breve at Starbucks but you need to specify that you want Breve Latte to get the drink.

If you want to order a breve without espresso, say “I’ll have a breve.”
To order a breve with espresso, say “I’ll have a breve latte.”

There should be no problems ordering Breve at other coffee shops.

How do you pronounce Breve?

You pronounce breve as “Bree-veh.”
If it is Caffè breve, it should be pronounced “Kah-FEH Bree-veh.”

Different types of espresso-based drinks

In addition to breves and lattes, there are many other types of espresso drinks. Here are a few of our favorites:

Americano: An Americano is made by adding hot water to espresso. This creates a drink that is similar to a standard brewed coffee but with more flavor.

Flat White: It is similar to latte but it is stronger and the milk has more texture.

Cappuccino: A cappuccino is similar to a latte, but it has less milk and more foam.

Macchiato: A macchiato is an espresso with a small amount of milk foam.

Mocha: A mocha is a latte with chocolate syrup or powder.


So, there you have it! The difference between breves and lattes lies in the type of milk that is used. Breves are made with half-and-half, while lattes can be made with any type of milk. Both drinks are delicious, so it’s up to you to decide which one you prefer! Do you have a favorite breve or latte recipe? Share it with us in the comments below!

What is a breve?

A breve is an espresso-based drink made with half and half instead of milk.

What is the difference between a breve and latte?

The difference between a breve and a latte lies in the type of milk that is used. Breves are made with half-and-half, while lattes can be made with any type of milk.

How do you pronounce breve?

You pronounce breve as “Bree-veh.” If it is Caffè breve, it should be pronounced “Kah-FEH Bree-veh.”

What are some other types of espresso-based drinks?

In addition to breves and lattes, there are many other types of espresso-based drinks. Some examples include Americanos, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and mochas.

Do breves have more calories than lattes?

Yes, breves have more calories than lattes because they are made with half and half, which is higher in fat than milk.

Is a breve good for my health?

Caffe breve might be better for your lth since it contains more fat than a latte. This extra fat can help you feel fuller longer and provide energy throughout the day. However, breves are also higher in calories, so if you’re watching your weight, you might want to stick to lattes.

How do I make a breve at home?

To make a breve at home, you’ll need freshly ground coffee beans, an espresso machine, and half-and-half. First, brew the espresso. Then, heat the half and half on the stove until it’s steaming. Pour it over the espresso and top with foam.

Can I order a breve at Starbucks?

Yes, you can order a breve at Starbucks by saying “I’ll have a breve latte.”

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